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Postdoctoral scientist

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PhD Cardiff University, 2021
MSc Cardiff University, 2017
BSc Cardiff University, 2015



After completing my undergraduate degree in Neuroscience in Cardiff University’s School of Biosciences, I joined Cardiff University’s Brain Research Imaging Centre (CUBRIC) where I obtained a master’s degree in ‘Neuroimaging Methods & Applications’, and a PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience. For my master’s dissertation, supervised by Dr Jiaxiang Zhang, I applied machine learning techniques to Magnetoencephalography (MEG) data to investigate whether motor area signals held dissociable information about different hand movements. My PhD studies were supervised by Dr Katja Umla-Runge, Professor Krish Singh and Professor Kim Graham. Here, I studied how individual differences in structural and functional properties of medial temporal lobe anchored networks relate to each other, and to behavioural performance in perceptual and mnemonic tasks, using MEG, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and a range of behavioural tasks. During my PhD, my fascination of how the hippocampus and connected brain networks support spatiotemporal processing grew. After attaining my doctorate, I undertook a post-doctoral research associate position, within the same laboratory, working with Professor Andrew Lawrence, where we further investigated individual differences in connectivity metrics of hippocampus-connected networks. I am now a research associate in CUBRIC as part of the Connected Memory Lab (P.I. Dr Carl Hodgetts), taking a closer look at the hippocampus. We aim to use ultra-high field 7T MRI to investigate how hippocampal subfields, in particular the subiculum, and their connections, support scene representations and event memory.

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Contact & Institution

Reader of Cognitive Neuroscience

Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey


Dr Carl Hodgetts (PI)

Honorary Fellow

CUBRIC, School of Psychology, Cardiff, Wales


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Current funding


Logo designed by Mathieu Albasser


© 2019 Carl Hodgetts

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